Truth Never Dies!

Take off thy witless robe!
Oh man! Of imbecility kissed
Why do you spurn truth
That bows beneath your mud flocked feet.

How long keep its naked seed
Buried in slush of slipping lies?
Can you stand, armoured in lies,
Against brooding nature, her impregnable shield?

Can you breach her fortified walls
And strangle its slumber stillness?
Is not its docility feed thy rootless sprouts?

Watch thy feet kissed by truth.
Heed to its humble warriors striding up thy walls!
In futility sent thee an army,
forged in molten rationale!

Truth never dies; its silence, its prowess!
Drink from its fountains sweet,
Let that beauty liberate thy soul,
Its fire embrace your frozen hopes.

Lydia Sara Christo
Lydia Sara Christo
Lydia Sara Christo is a member of Christian Assembly Pakhanjore, Chattisgarh. She is currently working as a teacher along with her husband at Life Academy School, a mission school, and is supporting the ministry there in Pakhanjore.

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